miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

.:People are People:.

People are people so why should it be

You and I should get along so awfully

So we're different colours

And we're different creeds

And different people have different needs

It's obvious you hate me Though

I've done nothing wrongI never even met you

So what could I have doneI can't understand

What makes a man

Hate another man

Help me understand

Help me understand

Now you're punching and you're kicking

And you're shouting at me

I'm relying on your common decency

So far it hasn't surfaced

But I'm sure it exists

It just takes a while to travel

From your head to your fist.

Me mudeeee por dios!!!!

Esto me da muchisimo miedo... socorro! me engripe... tube que suspender la sesion con mi terapeuta! estoy en crisis! me duele todo!

La puta madre...

1 comentarios:

Gisela Giacometti dijo...

Yo doy fe que tu gripe se debe al rechazo al cambio

Debes de sentir que das marcha atrás... Yo no creo que sea eso, al contrario. Creo que te viene bien. Ahora vas a encaminar todo mejor y con más fuerza, sin tener que dejar nada de lo que te gusta. Quinotita va a estar mas grande. Vos, mas recuperada, y todo va a ser mucho mejor. En serio. Confía en mi. Te quiero. Aunque me escraches


.:Cosmo Vision:. © 2008 | Coded by Randomness | Illustration by Wai | Design by betterinpink!